Bare Necessities cruises are strictly non-sexual in nature. If you are seeking a lifestyle or swinger experience, we are not the appropriate cruise for you. As an affiliated club of the American Association of Nude Recreation (AANR), we adhere to its standards of etiquette and decorum. Violations of these standards will result in immediate disembarkation at the next port of call, without refund or compensation of any kind.

To assure that cruise lines continue to support our charters and that we all enjoy a wonderful, stress-free, clothes-free experience, we ask passengers to please observe the following common-sense guidelines of decorum on board our cruises:

When the ship is at sea or anchored in a port, passengers can be nude unless announcements have been made to the contrary. When the ship is docked alongside in port, all passengers must be dressed throughout the vessel, including balconies, until the ship leaves port and an announcement is made that nudity is again permissible.

The self-serve buffet is a clothes-free area. Clothing is required for all meals taken in the dining rooms. Casual attire is fine in all of these venues. Bathrobes are not permitted in the dining room. When in doubt as to what is appropriate attire, simply confirm that breasts, bottoms and genitalia are fully covered by clothing that is not considered to be fetish-wear or lingerie.

Lingerie, fetish-wear, and excessive genital jewelry are not appropriate at any time.

Please sit on a towel at all times while nude, in a G-string, thong, or any time you are bare-bottomed. A fresh beach towel will be provided in your stateroom each day for that purpose. Stacks of smaller towels will be placed throughout the ship outside of common areas in case you arrive without one.

No photographs, videos or electronic images of any person may be taken without the express consent of that individual. “NO PHOTO ZONES” around the pools or in dance venues must be followed to avoid confiscation of photo capturing devices.

Fondling or inappropriate touching of personal body parts or those of someone else, overt sexual activity or any solicitation for sexual acts is strictly prohibited.

Displaying yourself nude in front of other ships in port or while port authorities are on board the vessel for clearance is strictly prohibited.

Dangerous or rude behavior will not be tolerated at any time.

Passengers must comply with US Federal law regarding the possession or use of illegal substances.

Bare Necessities also complies with the cruise line’s regulations, including the right to dismiss persons from the cruise for abusing alcohol and/or drugs, not obeying all safety rules including our decorum and attire, as well as not complying with the laws of the country we are visiting.

Failure to comply with any of the decorum and etiquette described in this section will be grounds for dismissal from the cruise. There are no refunds for dismissal and transportation is not provided from the port of dismissal.

Bare Necessities Tour & Travel Co. is dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable atmosphere to ensure our bare cruisers have the experience of a lifetime.

For over three decades, we’ve been working to break down barriers against social nudity and make clothing-optional vacationing a viable and acceptable option for all. We firmly believe that sexuality is not a state of undress, but rather a state of mind. Social nudity is natural and beautiful—not a sexual activity—and we strive to dispel misconceptions through education and positive experiences.

Our success in promoting acceptance of nude vacationing is evident in our diverse cruise offerings. Choose from our annual Big Nude Boat charters featuring thousands of like-minded travelers, or join one of our small ship luxury sailing yachts for a more intimate experience.

After 35 years of clothing-optional cruise charters, we are still not sure there is just one definite answer to this question. It has been our experience that people who are able to leave their clothing behind in a social setting are more able to be themselves, rather than who they think others would like them to be.  Our passengers have many different reasons and experiences that make them choose nude vacationing over traditional travel options.  Many have expressed that they find themselves more relaxed and withholding less of who they are without the barrier of clothing. Bottom line?  Being able to relax in your own skin leads to body acceptance.

When you choose a bare cruise, we know you are more likely to make lasting friendships in the real sense of the word.  Many of our long-time bare cruisers say they don’t just measure the quality of their vacation experience by where they went but also by the people they met along the way; people they will no doubt meet again on future nude vacations.  For us, this is the essence of social nudity. Our motto has always been “There are no strangers on a Bare Necessities vacation, only friends you have yet to meet.”

Onboard all our ships there are only a few situations that require clothing:

  1. While docked in port.
  2. In the main and specialty dining rooms.
  3. During the Captain’s reception/ introduction.
  4. When locals come aboard our smaller charters to perform.

While in port and in the dining rooms, casual attire such as shorts and T-shirts are acceptable, but lingerie, fetish wear, robes are not permitted. Otherwise, you may be nude throughout the ship morning, noon, and night.

Cruise line employees will not be nude. 

Proper etiquette onboard a Bare Necessities cruise is not any different from proper etiquette in any other social situation: use common sense. For complete details, please review the Rules of Decorum included in our Terms and Conditions.

Casual attire is acceptable at all times. 

In addition to the passenger talent show we host; Bare Necessities traditionally offers additional events on the Big Nude Boat we have now deemed as Bare-fest events. Some past examples are: FantaSEA-FESTLight up the Night (using LED lights) as well as themes such as Creatures of the Deep and A Galaxy Far, Far Away.

We welcome people of all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, and sexual orientations. Passengers must be 21 years or older. We are here to offer an experience where one can relax in their own skin and enjoy being around like-minded individuals.

Our e-newsletter is the first place to learn about new cruise offerings or any special offers.  As an e-news subscriber, your information is confidential and will not be shared. If you would like to receive our newsletter, enter your email address at the bottom of this page.

We recommend booking as soon as a new cruise is announced to ensure that you get first pick of your stateroom. Certain categories and locations typically sell out very quickly.

If you’re prone to sea-sickness, midship is the most stable. However, it is always a matter of personal preference. Rest assured, we go to great lengths to make sure every passenger is comfortable.

Online reservations are available 24/7.  Booking over the phone is available on weekdays from 9:00-5:00 (Central) at 800-743-0405. Please feel free to call with questions, or use the feeback button to connect with our agents.

We accept all major credit cards (Master Card, Visa, Discover and American Express). Passengers can also pay by check and are responsible for ensuring their installments arrives no later than the scheduled due date.

We generally only offer an early booking discount for our Big Nude Boat. Discounts are for a limited time, are not combinable, and may be discontinued at any time. Discounts, promotions, and sales are given at the time of booking

We strongly recommend that all passengers have a valid passport that expires 60 days beyond the scheduled trip. For a U.S. citizen, passports are required for cruises that are not beginning and ending in a U.S. port. Non-U.S. citizens should contact their nearest representative embassy or consulate office regarding visas or any other required travel documentation.

All passengers must be 21 years of age or older at the time of sailing.

For our large ship charters, the cost will include your accommodations and meals, as well as beverages such as coffee, tea, water, and juice. Alcohol, soft drinks, and bottled water are additional. Premium dining options may also be offered at an additional cost. Port taxes and prepaid gratuities are separate and need to be paid in advance.

Some of our small ship charters include additional amenities as well as alcohol. Details as to what is included can be found on the main cruise page. Additional costs such as port fees and gratuities will be listed under the pricing page.

The cabin cost is per person based on double occupancy. You are welcome to occupy a cabin by yourself, however, you will be responsible for paying the full cabin fare (the two-person rate).

If you’re interested in sharing a cabin, we can assist by putting you in touch with others interested in a roommate. To add you to our list, you must be ready to book a cabin. Please call with your information. You will be emailed contact information for those we feel have similarities at which point you may contact one another to determine if you are compatible. We do not provide contact information for the opposite sex.  We prefer that you not confirm your reservation until a traveling companion has been found.  We will place you on our wait list and put you in touch with others looking to share a cabin. There will not be an option to move out of the cabin during the voyage; so it’s important both parties understand this. A roommate agreement will need to be returned prior to making your reservation. Please be aware, by adding yourself to the list, this does not guarantee you will find a cabin mate. Reservations cannot be made until both parties have returned the roommate agreement.

If this is your first bare experience, we suggest visiting a local nudist/naturist club in your area.  Who knows, you may find someone interested in our cruises as well.

Yes, if the stateroom has additional berths, more than 2 guests can share the cabin. The cost of a extra person will vary from cruise to cruise but is always a fraction of the full stateroom cost. If you plan to do this, be sure to pick a stateroom that is equipped with extra beds such as a pull-out sofa. Our agents will be happy to assist you in identifying these cabins.

We require cancellations in writing; e-mail is best. Please send e-mail cancellation requests to:

All cancellations must be received in writing (email is accepted). Cancellations will NOT result in the refunding of any monies previously paid and will only operate to prevent the accrual of further charges. Any funds paid for cruise are NON-REFUNDABLE for any reason other than the willful misconduct or gross negligence of Bare Necessities Tour & Travel Co., Inc. Travel insurance is STRONGLY recommended because it may provide insurance coverage for certain cancellations.

Yes, once a cabin is paid in full, passengers have the option to transfer the reservation. Simply,  notify us in writing that you wish to transfer the cabin. There is a $100 per person transfer fee that will be charged before proceeding with the transfer. The new cabin owner needs to be aware of our terms and conditions prior to agreeing to take over the booking.

Please notify us in writing of any changes in name or cabin mate. E-mail is preferred.  Please be sure to include your name, cabin number, and cruise along with the names and contact information of the new passengers.


Bare Necessities will be sending more information to our guests closer to sailing however for now, our passengers can review the online Guide Book for details surrounding the cruise and helpful information to help in planning your trip. This is found at the cruise page for each charter. 

The content of this website contains material depicting social nude recreation of a non-sexual nature. If you are not at least 18 years old please exit. 

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